Turkle vs. Wesch
reading the article and watching the video, I got the feeling that Turkle and
Wesch are on allies when it comes to media and technology, but that they
believe in different solutions. Wesch argue that we need to have the knowledge
to use technology to better equip ourselves, and Turkle argues that we need to
break free of technology to better equip ourselves.
Wesch takes the standpoint that we
need to utilize technology to move students from being “knowledgeable to
knowledge-able.” He feels that if students have the ability to understand how
significant a message can be when seen by the masses, they will be motivated to
use technology in a more productive manner. He references T.V. advertisements,
and random viral videos that have done amazingly well at connecting people and
igniting positive change. He makes the point that in the past, there was not a
lot people that were not on TV could do to make change. Now, with new advances
in technology anyone can be heard and voice their opinions. Wesch argues that
we need to teach students how to effectively use media for productivity and
positivity, and once learned, students will use it for just that.
Turkle argues that in order for
individuals to really connect with each other, the devices need to be turned
off and put away. She references our youth, who would rather interact via
screens than have actual face-to-face conversations. She makes a very good
point about the ability to delete and fine-tune everything that is put into the
universe via technology. In real life, conversations can be messy and
blemished, but on the web, everything can look perfect – including someone’s
life. If we continue to rely less on real-life, real-time feedback, we will
eventually lose the ability to connect with each other free of devices. We will
lose that ability and the need to read cues, because we can just send a message
without the fear of having to respond immediately.
It was interesting to read about,
and see on the video, one significant commonality. A main reason given as to
why people develop a dependence on technology stems from lack of human
attention. In the video, a girl holds up a sign lamenting about how professors
don’t know her name, and in the reading Turkle quotes an answer to her question
about technology relationships as “No one is listening.” This is intriguing.
Technology gives us (in my opinion) a false sense of being connected and being
listened to. Although, technology also give is the ability to have our voices
and opinions heard by millions of others. This is the reason why I believe
Turkle and Wesch are allies when it comes to media and technology. They are
both seeking to answer the same question: How can we find a balance of human
interaction (with no technology involved) in conjunction with connecting in a
meaningful and productive way with technology?
Here's the link: